Jan. 15, 2019

New course: Spatial Database Management and Advanced GIS

I’m teaching a graduate-level advanced spatial statistics and spatial database management class this spring in MIT DUSP. I’ve redesigned the class to include modules on working with spatial database queries in PostGIS as well as spatial/geo- statistics (spatial autocorrelation, interpolation methods, spatial and regression modeling). Reading materials draw extensively on (osullivan_geographic_2010?). Should be a good time! From my advertising materials…

Advances in urban science, the drive to build smarter cities, and the widespread embrace of the open data movement are coalescing into new opportunities for planners to make data actionable through analysis and visualization.

This poses a challenge to planning as a community of practice. Students will develop the technical skills neccessary to interact with spatial databases using SQL and PostGIS. Having learned to ask questions of databases, students will develop a spatial statistics repertoire (including point-pattern analysis and spatial regression modeling), and build web maps on top of queried and analyzed data. We will be working with community groups to analyze the housing affordability crisis in Somerville as it relates to, e.g., disciminatory lending and racial segregation, eviction, infrastructural investment, and short-term rentals (e.g., Airbnb).

Banner image and poster makes use of graphics originally published in (fisher_mapping_1982?).


  • Eric Robsky Huntley
  • ehuntley@mit.edu
  • They/them/theirs.*

  • Eric Robsky Huntley is a Lecturer in Urban Science and Planning in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT where they maintain affiliations with the Data + Feminism Lab and the Healthy Neighborhoods Study. They also serve as a Lecturer in Landscape Architecture at the Harvard Graduate School …